Chapter One

Kaau li marched along the dark, metallic corridor, keeping an eye on the cyborgs flanking her. They looked neither right nor left as they led her deeper into the dank, musty halls of the ship. They wanted her to think she was in control, that they were there for her...

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Chapter Six

Kaau li felt anything but safe. Her heartrate sped up as she thought of being trapped forever on this cursed ship. More than ever, she wanted to flee.

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Chapter Five

Kaau li paused to let her eyes adjust, but as they did, a feeling of horror settled on her. Shapes were floating in the light. Human shapes.

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Chapter Four

Her mouth went dry as she imagined being on the receiving end of whatever punishment happened in the “arena”…

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Chapter Three

Faced with the choice of dying while trying to escape or living on the Wraith forever, she preferred dying.

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Chapter Two

Kaau li allowed him to lead her because she had no power to resist, nor had she anywhere to go if she had. They stepped into a warm, luxurious room that she had never entered before. And a real fireplace with a hot fire blazing inside graced the center of the room,...

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